KIDS & NUTRITION – Our infancy is key in our development because it is during this time that eating habits that might be hard to change later are developed. With the right eating habits and lifestyle, we contribute positively to the development and modelling of the future generation and an improvement in their health, physical and intellectual performance.
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THE IMPORTANCE OF MOBILITY – Mobility exercises and stretching are essential to guarantee a full warm-up and recovery before an intense body workout. But what exactly is mobility? To put it simply, mobility is the ability to perform functional movement patterns with no restrictions in the range of motion of those movements.We shouldn’t forget that our human body is made…
Fit4 Classes – It often happens that trainers will come up with default programs that don’t take into account the fact we’re all different, and what might work for someone else might not work for you, and vice versa.
Staying Positive – Sometimes easier said than done, maintaining a positive attitude is key to lead a happier and more satisfying life, and be better prepared to face setbacks and challenges that inevitably occur in many areas of our lives. With so many things that can and do go wrong from time to time, it can be hard to muster…
Proper form & Technique – Before we start, let this be engraved in you: having proper form matters more than the amount of weight you are lifting.